27k+ Users
600+ Suppliers
1300+ Integrations
99mln+ Products

Why join BaseLinker Connect

Fast and easy B2B cooperation

Connect with our vast network of resellers, manufacturers, wholesalers, fulfillment operators or service and goods suppliers from various industries. Gain new contacts and build lasting relationships for years to come.

Impressive contractor base

Gain access to a database of 27,000 potential contractors, their products and sales channels worldwide. Get inspired to develop your offer and stay ahead of the competition with new products.

Data exchange with contractors

Quickly exchange data with B2B partners thanks to the technical capabilities of a common platform. Save valuable time by placing or processing orders with BaseLinker Connect. Sync products, stock and order statuses in real time!

Improve order processing time

Automatically provide information about products, prices or shipments and impress customers with fast order processing. Automatically control inventory and analyse sales.

Place an order with a wholesaler within a minute

Are you a retailer? Order products from a partner's catalog visible directly in our system - save time and keep track of your order's delivery progress.

Faster scaling of wholesale sales

Take advantage of the opportunity to reach more than 27,000 contractors. Maximise your visibility by showcasing your products on a platform accessible to a wide business audience across industries.

Automate tasks and make more profit

If you want to scale your business, start by optimising your processes. Automate the handling of deliveries, orders and shipments with BaseLinker Connect and reduce the risk of costly errors due to manual work.

Development of markets for manufacturers

As a manufacturer, use the BaseLinker Connect platform to expand into new markets. Offer your products to potential business partners from our user base. Gain access to new channels that will allow you to globalise your sales.

Connect Pricing


Receiving and sending orders through Connect is free. Orders received do not count toward the standard subscription.

If you only receive orders through Connect, the system will be free for you. Fees apply only to orders from other external sales channels, according to the standard pricing.

View Standard Pricing

Who is BaseLinker Connect for?

Whether you are a wholesaler yourself or you order from one, BaseLinker Connect will make your job easier. As a wholesaler, you can share your product list with other retailers and receive wholesale orders from them. As a retailer, you can order from wholesalers on our platform. Both parties will automatically exchange tracking numbers, invoices and delivery statuses, with stock levels adjusting accordingly.
Wholesalers and supplies
Do you want to offer your product range via dropshipping to selected partners? All you need is your customers to be Base.com users. You don't need any additional programme. When orders come in from them, you'll see them in your account and, once fulfilled, the tracking numbers you've created will also go to the original orders. If you are a dropshipping retailer yourself, you will automatically forward orders to the wholesaler as long as it uses Base.com.
Do you use or offer fulfillment services? With BaseLinker Connect, you can greatly simplify data exchange process. Connect stock levels with your contractor, transfer orders, their statuses and shipment numbers automatically. Perhaps you have free storage space? BaseLinker Connect will make it easy for you to provide a small-scale fulfillment service to save costs!
Convenient fulfillment
BaseLinker Connect opens up an entire new dimension of collaboration with other e-commerce companies! Whatever the arrangement, we will enable both sides to exchange all data that may be of interest - orders, invoices, shipments, statuses, products, prices and deliveries.
New opportunities in the B2B space
Wholesalers and supplies
Convenient fulfillment
New opportunities in the B2B space

7 BaseLinker Connect features to make your B2B collaboration easier

Product catalog at your fingertips

The BaseLinker Connect catalog is like a huge storage with millions of products in all possible categories, that you can easily browse whenever you want. Sharing product data with your network strengthens your position, facilitates collaboration, improves inventory management and sales, creating seamless connections between wholesalers and stores. Need to retrieve products from a partner's storage? Just one click in our system to import them into your catalog.

A simple mechanism for integrating with a business partner

The BaseLinker Connect network eliminates technology barriers to establishing business partnerships. Start a B2B collaboration almost immediately with a simple authorisation system. The process is simplified as much as possible, allowing users to focus on developing business relationships rather than the technical aspects of an integration.

Synchronisation of orders and deliveries

Keep your operations running smoothly by automatically exchanging order and delivery data in real time. Your network will always be up to date, whether you are working with wholesalers, contractors or fulfillment service providers, minimising the risk of delays or errors. The entire process encapsulated in a single system takes much less time than traditional methods of handling orders and deliveries.

Synchronisation of order statuses

Sharing order statuses between different accounts allows for efficiency and transparency in the order fulfillment process. Each partner can track the progress of orders in real time, which increases mutual trust and efficiency, as well as the effectiveness of the cooperation.

Trade credits

Develop flexible business terms with the ability to establish a credit line for business partners. This convenience increases trust and liquidity in your B2B network.

Consolidated invoices

Minimise bureaucracy and save time by issuing bulk invoices for multiple orders. This feature is especially valuable in dropshipping models, where speed and billing efficiency are key.

Full control over permissions

You can set up all the features described here to suit your business. You decide which information you share with your partners. This allows you to precisely set the scope of access and permissions, which is key to maintaining the security and efficiency of your partnership.

Your work is also made easier by:

Label replacement

When working with a dropshipping or fulfillment wholesaler, handling shipments is key. Regardless of who generated the shipment, you and your business partner will download and transfer the label and automatically track shipments. The tracking number can be further synchronised with the original order source, such as a marketplace or store.

Transmission of tracking numbers

You won't have to remember to upload the shipment number to your contractor's marketplace and store. BaseLinker Connect will do it automatically at the time you set - as soon as the shipment is created or when the order is moved to a certain status. You will also easily transfer the tracking numbers to your wholesaler's system or fulfillment provider.

Sharing descriptions, pictures and parameters

Your product descriptions are fine-tuned for SEO and you don't want others to use them? No problem. In BaseLinker Connect, you can specify the level of access to descriptions, as well as parameters and images. If you want, you can prepare separate descriptions dedicated only to business partners.

How to join BaseLinker Connect?

Register a Base.com account.
Add the BaseLinker Connect integration in the main panel.
Generate a token to share data with partners.
Once you receive your token, you enjoy all the features of our network!
Join BaseLinker Connect Have a question? Contact us

Test all system integrations and functions free of charge for 14 days

Comprehensive sales management
Base.com is not just BaseLinker Connect

Base.com offers you complex sales management. In addition to the BaseLinker Connect, we also offer you access to a warehouse, where you can create a product database, a panel for the bulk offer listing or the possibility to integrate the store with marketplace platforms.

Functions overviewOrder ManagerMarketplace ManagerProduct ManagerPrice automationShipping managementWorkflow automationAI for e-commerce