BaseLinker Changelog – February 2023


BaseLinker is being extended with new modules, features and options every day. Below is a list of the modifications made in February. The most important updates are described in separate blog posts as they are implemented.

Product Manager and Order Manager:

[Automatic actions] Add random and dependent conditions to orders macro tasks in Automatic actions
[Automatic actions] New triggers in macros on invoice and correction edition and removal
[Automatic actions] Added condition “eBay site”
[Invoices] The standard payment method (such as “Transfer”, “Cash on delivery” and others to be set in the configuration of the numbering series) will now be automatically translated into the language of the invoice
[Inventory] Fix generating thumbnails after updating product in BaseLinker Inventory
[Inventory] Displaying synchronization errors on products list
[Invoices series option] Option to add “information” field also to corrective invoice in series settings
[Invoices series option] Option that allows to omit free invoice items
[Panel] Adding change and reset password to user history log
[Sales report] Added OSS money S3 report

Marketplace Manager:

[Marketplace] Advanced filtering in offers management
[Marketplace] Delivery schemas mapping fix
[Marketplace] Improved displaying associated shipping templates
[Marketplace] Fix filtering in the trash tab of issued offers
[Marketplace] Fix attribute retrieval for categories
[Marketplace] Changing the button when connecting integration from “Save” to “Save and connect”

Integrations – marketplace:

[Alltricks] Fixed country detection
[Bandquk] New Mirakl marketplace
[Cdiscount] Fulfilment information in order
[Decathlon] Fix auction redirect to
[Douglas] New Mirakl marketplace
[eMAG] Autosell – increase listing offers per one iteration of cronjob
[eMAG] Ignoring errors with source_language on update offers
[eMAG] Buyer cancellation request support
[Empik] Documentation link to EmpikPlace
[Etsy] Improved dealing with gift wrap price in orders
[Home24] Fix PAY_ON_SHIPMENT orders
[Hood] Import offers with variants
[Hood] Templates feature
[InPost Fresh] Adding gift cards when downloading an order before shipping
[InPost Fresh] Photo upload bug fix
[Joom] Added synchronization of prices and stocks
[Joom] Adding search tags when listing offers
[Joom] Fix for adding a new product in Joom in case of empty attributes
[Joom] Image link fix
[Joom] Fix for rejected offers
[Joom] Fix for not downloading all orders if more than 100
[Kaufland] Adding unit to depth parameter
[Kaufland] Adding parameter mpn
[Macway] New Mirakl marketplace
[Mall] Import offers by given ID – less Mall’s API limit usage
[Miinto] Add parent order ID to extra field in order data
[Mirakl] Fix downloading payment information in orders
[Mirakl] Friendly messages for adding package errors
[Mirakl] Quick search for orders
[Mirakl] Detect cancelled orders
[Modivo] Turned off return package requirements
[OLX] Notification about account disconnected
[Vtex] Fix error when downloading the order when the customer canceled the order
[Zalando] Fix listing on different regions

Integrations – Accounting:

[Fakturownia] New transmitted invoice type “MP invoice”
[Superfaktura] Integration options – ability to mark invoices as already paid and ability to auto-forward newly issued invoices
[wFirma] Missing lump values in integration option

Integrations – couriers:

[Couriers] Adding the possibility to enter the name of the courier by selecting ‘Other’ when manually adding shipments for languages other than Polish and English
[Couriers] Development downloading courier code, mapping couriers entered by the user
[Amazon MCF] New integration
[AmazonPack] New options added to the service field
[Apaczka] New additional service (package without label for InPost Paczkomaty and Paczkomat-Drzwi)
[Apaczka] Correct display of the name of the selected carrier for created shipment
[Asendia] New courier integration
[DHL] Changed character limit for the name field – extended to 60 characters
[DPD CZ] Update to the latest API version
[Fedex] Added option to specify EORI number
[Geis] Added new package types (palette 3,0 x 0,8 m and cardboard)
[Paxy] New carrier SameDay (Hungary)
[Paxy] New carrier Venipack (Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia)
[Posta bez hranic] Addition of new carrier services and removing deprecated
[Raben] Added change to include reference number on label
[Rhenus Freight] Integrating Rhenus Freight into the courier system
[Slovenská pošta] Integrating Slovenská pošta into the courier system
[Spring] Added possibility to enter GB EORI number
[Spring] Added possibility to specify a rigid product name
[WeDo] Correction of the currency of the value amount and cash on delivery value

Integrations – online shops:

[BigCommerce] New advanced parameter, split_discounts, enabling spreading of order discounts across all line items
[BigCommerce] Fixed synchronization of stock amounts from BaseLinker to BigCommerce
[BigCommerce] Blocking incomplete orders from downloading into BaseLinker
[Ecwid] Adding long product descriptions to the order comment
[Gomag] Add parameter ‘add_order_number_to_admin_comment’ in settings
[Gomag] Get order paid status from the store
[Heureka] Set the quantity to 0 for products that are not already available in the XML file
[IAI] Setting visibility in the store depending on the number of items left (advanced setting vis_qty)
[Magento] Displaying configurable order attributes in orders downloaded from the store
[MerchantPro] Get delivery method name in order
[PrestaShop] Outgoing order field mapping – oa_remap
[PrestaShop] Delaying order synchronization by the specified number of minutes – og_dalay
[Shoper] Possibility to provide several statuses in ‘og_status’
[Shopify] Faster order synchronizations to BaseLinker by implementing order number to order ID cache
[Shopify] Collection-based category association in product synchronization to Shopify
[Shopify] New parameter: categories_exclude, used to mask products from the specified categories
[SquareSpace] Send waybill to the store
[Unas] Added delivery price to the order
[Unas] Selection of the field from which the product prices are collected
[Upgates] Get company name to delivery in order
[Upgates] Send order status to store
[VirtueMart] Fixes in tax rate mapping when downloading orders from VirtueMart
[WooCommerce] Currency conversion in orders utilizing WBW Currency Switcher
[WooCommerce] Optional saving of courier name with the new config parameter track_provider_meta
[WooCommerce] Synchronizing delivery point address from the latest Inpost Paczkomaty plugin
[WooCommerce] Removal of undesired features via pd_remap

Integrations – Wholesalers:

[AMP Polska] New integration
[Agro-bis] New integration
[Aquaprofi] New integration
[Bajeczny ogród] New integration
[CAP Martin] New integration
[] New integration
[] New integration
[Elko Group] New integration
[gsmarkt] New integration
[Maakao] New integration
[Mado Tools] New integration
[Olek motocykle] New integration
[Shiori] New integration
[Takie ubrania] New integration


[BaseLinker Connect] Added filtering of product categories
[BaseLinker Connect] Added synchronization of order payment status
[BaseLinker Connect] Added sharing of additional information
[BaseLinker Connect] Change order currency and delivery price

Knowledge Base:

[Article update] Purchase orders
[New article] Purchasing orders predictions

About the author

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BaseLinker is a software designed to integrate popular marketplaces, store platforms, carriers and useful e-commerce tools in one friendly panel. Try bulk listing, order management and process automation functions to save time and money. BaseLinker will automatically change order statuses, send customer messages, issue invoices, create shipments and print documents. Test all system integrations and functions during a 14-day free trial.

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