Connecting UK sellers – Introducing the BaseLinker UK Sellers Community


Exciting news! We launched BaseLinker UK Sellers Community on Facebook. As our community of UK users continues to grow, we felt the need to create a dedicated space, where you can connect and stay in the loop with the latest product updates.

It provides a platform to interact with fellow BaseLinker users, creating a network of sellers who can help each other grow. Share your stories, your successes, your challenges, and your advice, fostering a supportive environment that celebrates every milestone in your BaseLinker journey.

The BaseLinker UK Sellers Community is also your direct line to stay informed about all the latest product updates. We believe that open communication is key in building a robust community. As we continue to innovate and improve BaseLinker, you’ll know about the new features and updates that will help you sell more effectively.

We invite you to be a part of this dynamic community, where we can all help each other succeed in the world of e-commerce.

➡️ Join the BaseLinker UK Sellers Group on Facebook

We appreciate your trust and can’t wait to welcome you to our new Facebook group. Together, let’s build a strong UK BaseLinker community!

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BaseLinker is a software designed to integrate popular marketplaces, store platforms, carriers and useful e-commerce tools in one friendly panel. Try bulk listing, order management and process automation functions to save time and money. BaseLinker will automatically change order statuses, send customer messages, issue invoices, create shipments and print documents. Test all system integrations and functions during a 14-day free trial.

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