BaseLinker Changelog – August 2023


BaseLinker is being extended with new modules, features and options every day. Below is a list of the modifications made in August. The most important updates are described in separate blog posts as they are implemented.

Product Manager and Order Manager:

[AI] Bulk generation of channels data in products
[Automatic actions] “Call personal event” action
[Automatic actions] Option for relative comparison of dates in the condition for additional field of date type
[Automatic actions] Ability to call a personal event after an error occurs when executing an automatic action
[Automatic actions] Collapse/expand all groups
[Inventory] Sort inventory product (variant) images by position
[Invoices] Finnish language
[Products] Character counter when changing product name
[Products] Mass SKU generation
[Products] New filtering options for checkbox fields
[Products] Change informations shown for product’s documents
[Warehouse] Option for changing the date of purchase order currency exchange

Marketplace Manager:

[Marketplace] Added option in connector based integration to mark marketplace order as canceled when downloading orders
[Marketplace] Fix mapping fields data if fields name has special characters
[Marketplace] Move default marketplace account options from bottom to top
[Marketplace] Validate URL in description only if HTML is allowed

Integrations – Marketplace:

[Allegro] Automatic repricing
[Allegro] Searching by auction number in main search bar
[Alza] Filling buyer name with “Alza” when order positions contains BCX codes
[Alza] Handle offers with quantity lower than zero when sending availability
[Alza] Sending BCX codes with package data (where it’s necessary to be sent)
[Amazon Vendor] Getting orders fixes
[] Getting thumbs fix
[Amazon] Getting ASIN numbers for FR market on import offers
[Amazon] Listing form variants fix
[Americanas] Bulk operations, update price, update stock, update name
[Americanas] Handling API limits, for example on download orders
[Americanas] Order card, show source market/site nearby transaction id
[Americanas] Redirect to offer
[ApteGo] Add new production URL
[Aukro] Add SKU in import offers
[Backmarket] Fix downloading orders (WrongDateFormat)
[Backmarket] Mark package as shipped (if already shipped)
[Bandquk] Verify title by regexp pattern
[BigBang] Initialize marketplace
[Compari] Add new categories  “Constructie, renovare”, “Pompa de circulatie”, “Pompa, hidrofor”
[Ebay] Buy now price fix on listing auctions
[Ebay] Strikethrough prices (discounts) support
[Ebay] pPrameters with & in name fix
[Emag] Add method updateNewOfferStatus (updating new offer status)
[Emag] Fix reading delivery point id and name for pickup delivery mode
[Emag] Getting delivery point id from street field
[Emag] Refreshing categories and parameters every day
[Empik] Allow downloading unpaid orders
[Etsy] Fix sync price/quantity with different variant configurations
[Favi] Price and stock sync
[] Improved delivery methods assignment to imported offers
[Heureka] Update list of delivery methods
[Home&You] Initialize marketplace
[Intermarché] Initialize marketplace
[Kaufland] Fix generating configuration file for idosell webhoook
[Kiabi] Initialize marketplace
[Magalu] Improve authentication
[Magalu] Improve offers import
[Magalu] Send additional parameters (from details)
[Marketplaces][addOrderPackages] Forwarding more than one package to matketplace
[MediaMarketSaturn] Change marketplace default language to DE
[Meli] Bulk operations, update price, update stock, update name
[Meli] Default unit for weight, height, width etc
[Meli] Import variants offer, do not duplicate main offer
[Meli] Improve assign Company ID on invoice data
[Meli] New bulk operation – update “Sends in”
[Meli] New listing form parameter – condition
[Meli] Redirect to offer
[Mirakl] Allow settings “multiple values separator” and “csv delimiter” as seller integration settings
[Mirakl] Order transaction number quick search
[OLX] Fix disappearing thumbs
[OLX] Offers with “limited” status waiting in queue instead of moving to errors tab
[OLX] Update categories
[OTOMOTO] Integration settins – new option, block offers without images
[Otto] Change brand field to new brandId required field
[Otto] Order transaction number quick search
[Pigu] Update for direct seller types – proper shipping cost parsing in orders
[Pigu] Updated order invoice data parsing when downloading orders (now invoice is market as wanted if invoice data contains VAT code or company code)
[Skroutz] Fix download categories
[Skroutz] Fix encoding special characters in XML
[Skroutz] Set default currency EUR
[Sprzedajemy] Add theme support for creating item
[VeloMarket] Add new connector Marketplace VeloMarket
[Via Varejo] Delete offers
[Via Varejo] Import offers
[Via Varejo] New field on listing form – warranty
[Via Varejo] Order card, show source market/site nearby transac
[Wowcher] Fixed adding order package action
[] Fixed offers deactivation when offer price falls to zero
[Zalando] ZFS orders, do not decrease stock in storage
[Zalando] present more details about errors on offer management
[Zbozi] EAN field is optional

Integrations – Accounting:

[Eccosys] New option to automatically forward newly created invoice to SEFAZ
[Invoicing] Payment due date no longer displays on receipts
[Oblio] New option “send products as services”.
[SevDesk] Added option to allow automatic mapping of invoices with clearing accounts

Integrations – Couriers:

[Allegro Courier] Fix selecting (relative to the position in the list) the first WZA account connected to the selected Allegro account
[Americanas Entrega] Refactor to full functionality, package creation, label printing, tracking
[BL Paczka] New service BLP Cross-Border Economy DE
[Cargus] Adding a field to define a reference number (visible on the label)
[Ceska Posta] Fixes when downloading recent tracking statuses
[Ceska Posta] Improving the transmission of the recipient’s name when sending parcels to a collection point.
[Coorreios] Start downloading shipment statuses
[DHL DE] Fix billing number verification
[DHL] Adding the option to return europallets
[DPD CZ] Improvement of the sending of parcels to the collection point (removal of the requirement to mark the additional service).
[DPD PL] Requiring customs clearance only for shipments to the UK and Ukraine
[DPD] Fix round package weight in courier pickup
[DTS/Advanced] Added Remarks field (printed on documents) and Value (monetary) fields for each sub-package
[Epaka] Corrected transmission of recipient’s address data with leaving Latin characters
[Fedex] Fix in additional services and parcel pricing
[GEIS] Change of the old DR service to the new PEP service
[GLS] Fix for tracking link when package is added manually
[Inpost UK] New integration
[Landmark] Adding new fields in account settings for IOSS, RGR, EORI numbers
[Magalu Entregas] Enabling the sending of shipments, generation of labels and manifests, and updating the status of the shipment in the order
[Mercado Envios] Refactor to full functionality, package creation, label printing, tracking
[Pigu] New courier integration
[Poczta Polska] Added customs declaration for unregistered shipments (letters)
[Poczta Polska] Added error message when trying to send a package with the option of sending in an office, without specifying the office of sending
[Poczta Polska] Added EMS service, changes in descriptions of customs declaration fields, added method to allow printing labels after closing the collection
[Royal Mail] Added omission of products (packages) with value (monetary) equal to 0 from customs declaration
[Royal Mail] Fix for downloading information from the tracking, the change solved the problems with the lack of execution of Automatic Actions against the status of Royal Mail shipments
[Royalmail C&D] Update of available and current services (codes and names)
[Sameday] Fix for selecting checkbox in automatic actions form
[ShipStation] Added option to select weight and dimensions as imperial units
[Swiatprzesylek] Fix for setting return package correctly
[Słowacka poczta] Fixes in parcel boxes
[UPS] Fixes in displaying error messages returned from API
[WeDo] Adding status update functionality
[Zasilkovna] Tracking link fix

Integrations – Online shops:

[Magento] Optional parameter for retrieving store orders in base currency
[PrestaShop] Synchronizing external images (hosted outside Prestashop) with product data
[RedCart] Parameter og_oids for on-demand synchronization of specific orders
[SkyShop] Importing historical/not synchronized orders via og_oid
[SkyShop] New parameter, block_pqu, disabling synchronizations of stock quantities from BL to Skyshop

Integrations – Wholesalers:

[Autopartner] New integration
[Canagri] New integration
[Happytime] New integration
[Horstsc] New integration
[Primohurt] New integration

Integrations – Other:

[BaseLinker Connect] Option to upload product images except the first one

Knowledge Base:

[Article update] Royal Mail
[Article update] Skroutz
[New article] Xpress Delivery

About the author

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BaseLinker is a software designed to integrate popular marketplaces, store platforms, carriers and useful e-commerce tools in one friendly panel. Try bulk listing, order management and process automation functions to save time and money. BaseLinker will automatically change order statuses, send customer messages, issue invoices, create shipments and print documents. Test all system integrations and functions during a 14-day free trial.

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