For our users developing sales in North America, we have prepared an integration with the Newegg service, one of the leading Tech Marketplace trading platforms.
Newegg was ranked #5 in Newsweek’s ‘Best Online Shops 2020’ in the ‘Office, Electronics & Media Industry’ group. The main product categories are computers, electronics and gaming, but Newegg also offers other types of products, such as toys, home and athletic supplies. Newegg has 40 million registered users. The marketplace allows trading to 20 countries worldwide.
The integration with Newegg developed by our team works two ways – it supports both listing and offer synchronisation, as well as fetching orders from the marketplace to the BaseLinker panel.
Explore the main features of the integration:
- bulk listing based on products from a warehouse connected to BaseLinker (it can be a shop warehouse, wholesaler, BaseLinker catalog or ERP system)
- synchronizing stock and prices in marketplace offers according to your warehouse
- fetch orders from marketplace accounts to BaseLinker panel and process them quickly using automation features
- push orders to your shop or ERP
- send parcels (individually, in bulk or using automatic actions)
- automatically push order statuses and shipment numbers from BaseLinker Order Manager to marketplace
The Newegg module can be quickly connected in the BaseLinker panel at Integrations → Marketplace section.
If you sell through Newegg, we would be delighted to welcome you as a tester of this integration. We would appreciate your feedback as we will offer you a significantly extended test period. Therefore, you will be able to test all the system functions and other integrations for free. Please, contact us: [email protected].
Feel warmly invited to check out the integration possibilities 🙂