BaseLinker Connect is an integration that allows data exchange between BaseLinker accounts. It enables the transfer of orders and shipments as well as sharing of product data from a specific BaseLinker catalog with other sellers, hence it is a great solution for dropshipping sellers or fulfillment service providers and users.


The configuration of the integration depends on whether you want to download products and transfer orders, or whether you need to share products and download orders. You can use both options as well. Data exchange is possible between two BaseLinker accounts, but you can add any number of integrations with different settings.

How to add BaseLinker Connect integration?

In order to add the BaseLinker Connect plugin, go to the Integrations tab and click the green button +Add Integration. Scroll down to the Other section and select BaseLinker Connect. You will see two available options:



I have a connection code from another user

Use this option if you have received a connection code and want to forward orders to a supplier or access products (depending on account administrator settings from whom you received the code). This option is especially useful for distributors of products from third-party wholesalers or vendors using third-party fulfillment services.




Just enter the code, verify and select the values for the settings (settings hide prices, overwrite invoice data and forwarding orders will be available if token has been assigned for downloading orders):


  • Display name;
  • Hide prices – if you want to transfer an order, you can use this option to hide information regarding its value;
  • Overwrite invoice data – selecting Yes will expand cells for entering data to be sent with the order (e.g. your company) instead of the data provided by the customer;
  • Forwarding orders – you can choose whether you want to see a forwarding button on the order card, or whether the forwarding will only be possible with automatic actions;
  • Additional information  along with the order, it is possible to transfer values from the Seller’s comments, Buyer’s comments fields and text additional fields.

If product sharing has been enabled, the catalog of the account from which you received the code will be visible when listing products on the marketplace. You will be able to add items from the shared warehouse manually to the order.


You can also import products into your BaseLinker catalog. The Prices and Stock tabs in the settings of the connected BaseLinker Connect integration allow for managing their synchronization settings.


An import can be done from the Products → Import/Export → Import → Import products from an external storage (store, wholesaler, BaseLinker Connect).

If the code provider enables order retrieval, you will be able to transfer orders using automatic actions or the custom event button visible on the order card and order list. If the option Create a button on the order card to forward orders is selected when connecting the token, it will be created automatically, without the need to set up an automatic action (the action created in this way can be freely edited, adapting its action to your requirements).



Connection with a public B2B partner (Publications)

In the Integrations → Publications tab, a public catalog of B2B partners is available, with whom you can connect using BaseLinker Connect. Each company listed there has been verified.


Available suppliers can be filtered by name, supported countries, industries, and type of services (dropshipping, fulfillment, wholesaler, other).


Each company on the list has a description, information about the countries they serve, the industry they operate in, and the services they offer.

A contact email address for the supplier is also available (Get in touch).

If the company has enabled this option, the See products button will allow you to display the products they share.




Depending on the supplier’s settings, you can either connect immediately (Connect via BL Connect) or send a request that will need to be accepted by the B2B partner (Send connection request via BL Connect).


Pressing the connection button will take you to the BaseLinker Connect integration connection window. All options available there will be the same as in the case of standard integration addition (I have a connection code from another user) – however, there will be no need to provide a connection code.


If the B2B partner requires approval for each new client, the integration will be added, but in its settings you will see a message informing about the sent request. Only after acceptance will you gain access to the products and all functionalities.

Integration settings – contractor

Depending on the functionalities provided by the B2B partner, the following tabs may be available in the integration settings:

  • Connection – always available, basic settings. Here you can change all basic integration settings defined during its connection;
  • Products – here you can set price multipliers and quantity correction for goods received from the supplier;
  • Prices – in this tab, you can enable price synchronization for products from the partner via BaseLinker Connect;
  • Stock – here you can enable stock synchronization for products linked to the supplier’s catalog;
  • Statuses – here you can enable/disable sending and/or receiving statuses of transferred orders and map them.


I want to generate a connection code to integrate with another account

This integration option should be selected if you want to generate and give someone a code with which you can retrieve orders and/or share products and shipments.



You need to set up the following fields:

  • Display name;
  • Connection code name;
  • Downloading orders – select Yes if you want to receive orders from accounts you share your code with. Additional settings will appear after enabling this option:
    • Target status – the status to which downloaded orders should go,
    • Payment status – choose whether the retrieved orders should be imported as paid or not. It is also possible to retrieve payment information from the original order (at the time of its transfer);
    • Shipments  – two-way transfer of shipping numbers,
    • Cost of delivery– copied from the source order or always 0;
    • Overwrite products data – data such as name, price, tax rate or weight can thus be overwritten with the data of matching products,
    • Match products – Inventory – the ability to select the catalog to which products added to orders not from the catalog of your account will be matched (you can also disable matching). If the products in the transferred order came from the catalog of the account receiving the order, the product should always be matched. This function applies to those items that do not come from the catalog of the account to which you are transferring the order (e.g. added from your catalog),
    • Source warehouse – the warehouse assigned to the products in the order, which will be the source of their stocks,
    • Price group – price group from which prices will be taken for matched products,
    • Omit not matched products,
    • Additional information – fields that should be received from the client’s order;
  • Sharing products – select Yes if you want to allow access to products from your inventory in BaseLinker. You will need to set up the following options:
      • Inventory – catalog to be shared,
      • Product categories – you can share products from all categories, only selected ones, or excluding selected ones,
      • Product tags,
      • Language,
      • Source warehouse,
      • Price group – prices to be transferred for individual products,
      • Descriptions – enable/disable sharing of product descriptions,
      • Parameters – enable/disable parameter sharing,
      • Images – gives you the option to share only the first photo, all of them, or none at all,
      • Additional fields – can be passed to the contractor provided that they have fields with the same names in their Catalog.


After creating the token, it is not possible to enable/disable order or product sharing. In such a case, a new integration with a new token and selected settings must be added. However, it is possible to change the sharing settings.

Integration settings – provider

In the BaseLinker Connect integration settings, after creating your connection code, you will see the following tabs:

  • Connection – here you will find your connection code and all the integration settings configured during its connection;
  • Statuses – from this tab, you can enable/disable sending and/or receiving statuses received from the order partner, as well as map them;
  • Contractors – in this place, you will find a list of all partners connected to you through BaseLinker Connect. Each of them can be edited – change data, activate/block, select the range of shared products, and the price group. It is also possible to set a trade credit for individual contractors. At the bottom of the partner’s edit window, you will also see information about their recent orders;
  • Publish – here you can choose whether your integration should be private or public – available in the BaseLinker B2B database (Integrations → Publications). However, to make the integration publicly available, you must fill in the required fields and send a request (Save). After proper verification, your company will be available in the public B2B BaseLinker base.
Trade credit

For each contractor, you can set a separate trade credit. You can do this in the integration settings (Integrations → BaseLinker Connect → Contractors) by going to the partner’s edit section.




In the Trade credit section, you can enter the amount of credit granted and any notes. You must also select the settlement currency. After granting such credit, the contractor will be able to use it to pay for orders. At this point, the utilized and available amount is also visible.


Settlements with the partner should be made independently.

You can also block available stock for a given contractor (set all product stock to 0) if the credit amount falls below a specified value.

Integration features – summary

  • Downloading orders from a linked account ⇄ forwarding orders to a supplier and retrieving the shipment number.
  • Sharing products from a selected catalog ⇄ access to shared products (you can then list them on your marketplace account, or import into your catalog).
  • Two-way forwarding of shipping numbers with tracking.
  • Two-way order status transmission.
  • Create technical orders – a function added as a part of order merging. It copies data from selected orders to a new technical order, but does not affect inventory. Information such as delivery or invoice data is copied from the main order. It can be used, to issue a summary invoice to all orders downloaded from an account linked via BaseLinker Connect.




Are there any additional charges for using BaseLinker Connect?

The integration itself is not additionally charged. The subscription will be calculated according to the price list, it does not matter whether the order / products were downloaded by BaseLinker Connect or, for example, from the store.

Is it possible to integrate with an external product data catalog (with a store or Wisebase, Brandbank, Azimuthe)?

Unfortunately, no. Only products in the catalog can be shared using BaseLinker Connect. To share, for example, products from the store, you would first need to perform an import into the catalog.

Is it possible to pass in orders only products from a particular wholesaler (providing the code)?

In the integration settings, you can select an option that will skip unmatched products from the order.

Do I have to import all the products I make available from the wholesaler?

In the product import settings, you can specify the ID numbers of the products you want to download.

Is it possible to automate the pull of products from a warehouse connected through BaseLinker Connect?

Unfortunately, it is not possible to periodically download products to the BaseLinker catalog.

Is there an option to map order statuses?

Unfortunately, it is currently not possible to map order statuses.

Are the additional fields and/or notes in the transferred order visible to the wholesaler?

Yes, Additional Field 1, Additional Field 2 and Notes are submitted with the order.

Does the wholesaler that receives the orders see which vendor the order came from?

The source of the order will be the BaseLinker Connect integration, so you should add a separate integration for each partner and the token of this integration should be shared with only one user.

Can we share products from two or more catalogs?

Yes, but to do so you will need to add a separate integration for each warehouse. 

Can you choose which products from the catalog to share with partners?

Unfortunately, no. All products from the selected catalog will be available.

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