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Kaufland – account configuration

The BaseLinker system offers two-way integration with Kaufland marketplace, allowing both order retrieval and mass offer listing. The Kaufland module also includes basic offer management options.


The Kaufland module enables:


How to connect a Kaufland account

To connect an account, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Integrations section.
  2. Click the green +Add integration button, then select Kaufland in the Marketplace section.
  3. Enter the integration name to be displayed in the panel.
  4. Go to and generate the access data: Client Key and Secret Key.
  5. Enter the required data in the integration settings.
  6. Select the appropriate region to be managed with the added integration. A separate integration should be connected for each region. Currently, BaseLinker offers integrations with the following marketplaces: PL, DE, SK, CZ, and AT.
  7. Done. The Kaufland account has been added to the system.


You can connect any number of accounts to the BaseLinker system. This does not affect the subscription fee.

Integration settings

After adding a new account, you will see 8 tabs:



  • Connection – here you can test if the connection is correct;
  • Orders – here you can enable order retrieval. However, we recommend configuring the Order Manager appropriately first;
  • Listing settings – here you can choose a template and category for the entire marketplace account, set the price multiplier, and fill in general offer settings;
  • Order statuses – by linking statuses, any change in the order status in BaseLinker will also change the order status in the service. However, synchronization does not work in the opposite direction (changing the status in the service does not change the status in BaseLinker);
  • Prices – the price synchronization module will allow you to automatically synchronize prices in offers according to product prices in the warehouse;
  • Stock – the stock level synchronization module will allow you to automatically synchronize stock levels in offers according to the product stock in the warehouse;
  • Prepare time – in this tab, you can enable updating the shipping time for all marketplace offers available in BaseLinker based on an additional field in the product. To do this, you need to create a new additional field of type number for the products and enter a numerical value indicating the number of days (0 – immediate shipping, 7 – 7 working days). You can also create an automation that will change the value of this field depending on, for example, the stock level. This option works only for offers linked to products from the BaseLinker catalog;
  • Advanced settings – here you can set up courier mapping.


Kaufland module

On the left side of the BaseLinker panel, the Kaufland module is visible. You will find 7 tabs here:




  • Listing – here you can list offers. To access the listing form, select a warehouse, account, and products, then click List selected (form);
  • Offer management – here, basic offer update functions are available. You can also import offers listed outside the BaseLinker system (and manage them directly in the panel), as well as export offers for further analysis;
  • Shipping templates – in this tab, you can import shipping price lists previously created on the marketplace side;
  • Categories and parameters – here, you can choose favorite categories and map parameters;
  • Offer templates – in this tab, you can create and edit Kaufland offer templates;
  • Associations – here you can assign marketplace categories and offer templates to storage categories (or products);
  • Messages – from this tab, you can correspond with customers via the Responso module.


To list offers with just a few clicks, configure the Kaufland module.


  1. Connect an account in the Integrations section.
  2. Select favorite categories in the Kaufland → Categories and parameters → Kaufland categories section. This will make your favorite categories visible as a dropdown list when listing an offer.
  3. Complete listing settings in the Integrations → Kaufland → Listing settings section.
  4. Map parameters in the Kaufland → Categories and parameters → Kaufland parameters section. Thanks to the created rules, offer parameters will be filled automatically on the listing form.
  5. Create category and product associations in the Kaufland → Associations section. Assign marketplace categories and offer templates to storage categories (or products).


Proper configuration of the module enables mass listing of thousands of offers with just a few clicks.


To fully utilize all system capabilities, follow these steps:

  1. Configure the price synchronization module in the Integrations → Kaufland → Prices section.
  2. Configure the stock synchronization module in the Integrations → Kaufland → Stock section.
  3. Configure the Order Manager module and enable order retrieval to the BaseLinker system in the Integrations → Kaufland → Orders section.


And then you can proceed to action!


Remember that for the integration to work correctly, it is necessary to properly associate offers with products in the storage.

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