Every offer should be linked to a product from the storage. This may be the warehouse of a connected online store, a wholesaler warehouse or Base’s inventory.


Lack of this association blocks the use of the following features:

  • synchronization:
    • stock – the purchase on offer will reduce the stock,
    • quantity in the offer – a change in the stock will change the quantity in the offer,
    • prices of offers – a price change in the storage will change the price in the offer;
  • updating product data in the offer – e.g. updating photos, product description, etc. according to product data in the storage;
  • in case of some shops – correct addition of the order to the shop – orders placed at a given auction/offer include ID, EAN, SKU, VAT and product weight – these data are taken from the storage linked to a given offer.


Creating associations

When you place offers in the Base panel, associations are created automatically.


On the other hand, offers listed outside the Base system (e.g. directly through the marketplace page) should be imported in the Marketplace → Listing management → Import offers, and then linked to products from the selected storage.


Detailed information on this topic can be found in our article: Importing offers and products.

At any time you can change existing links and e.g. link a selected auction to another product from the same storage or to a product from another storage.


Manual link creation

To link offers, go to Marketplace → Listing management module, choose offers and select Operations → Associate with products from the storage.



Then select the storage you want to associate the offers to and click Execute.



On the Associating products screen, provide the ID of the corresponding product for each offer. If the offer concerns a product variant from the inventory, provide the ID of the main product and additionally the variant ID number.



Additional options

Additionally, you can use the following options:

  • Enable product hints

    A search engine will appear for each offer. This allows you to enter the name of the product you want to link the given offer to.



  • Match automatically

    The system will automatically match the main product ID number based on the EAN number, SKU, or by name (in this case, EAN, SKU, or name must be unique).



  • Load associations from a file

    If the product has variants, it’s most convenient to load links from a CSV file.


A CSV file is required with lines in the following format:

Auction number;Product ID;Variant ID

The data should be separated by semicolons and should not contain additional characters (such as quotation marks or commas) that are not included in the product ID/variant ID. If you’re creating links for products without variants, leave the Variant ID column empty (in this case, the file must still have 3 columns).


In this case, it is not possible to link offers with products based on SKU or EAN number.


It is also possible to download a file with current links (Load associations from a file Download the file with associations).


Automatic linking creation

BaseLinker can automatically associate offers to products in the warehouse in the following situations:

  • When importing offers with the option to create new products in Base’s inventory

If you do not have an online shop, you can use the option to create products in Base’s storage when importing ongoing offers into Base. You will then be able to manage your products from Base. The Base storage will be the central point for managing your products.


In this case, in the Create products in storage field, select Yes – create products in storage. I do not have an external store with these products. Then imported offers will be automatically linked to products created afterwards.


You can find detailed instructions in our article: Creating products in Base based on marketplace offers.


For a product to be created based on import, the listing must not currently have any associations with a product. Additionally, Base creates products in storage based on listing import only if there is no product currently in storage that was created based on this listing.


  • When importing offers with automatic associating option enabled

For some marketplace modules (Ceneo, Arena, eMAG) it is possible to create associations at import automatically.



Refreshing associations

Sometimes there may be a need to refresh existing associations that are correct (for example, when a synchronization error occurs and in the Listing management table, the Quantity available in storage column shows a different number of products than in the listing).


In such case, you need to save the current associations again. You can do this in bulk using the Associate with products from the storage operation. After going to the association screen, if the product IDs are correct, you just need to click Save associations.


For some marketplaces, it’s also possible to refresh data of a single listing based on storage by going to its edit screen (pencil icon in the listing list). In the Associations tab, click the blue Refresh the data from the storage button.


Invalid association

Using Listing management → Advanced search → Warning you can find, for example, offers unlinked to products from the storage and offers linked to non-existent products from the storage.


Offer not related to a product from the storage

If a listing is not associated with any product, the system indicates an association with a product ID 0, and additionally, such listing is marked with a disconnected magnets icon in the Information column.



The assigned product does not exist in the storage

The offer will remain linked to a non-existent product in case:

  • the product was removed from the storage after creating the link;
  • the storage containing the product to which the offer is linked was removed (disconnected from Base);
  • the product in the storage changed the ID.


If, for a given marketplace account, the quantity or price update plugin has been enabled and this synchronization has not been deactivated for a given offer, the machine updates the offer at specified intervals and thus checks the validity of the link.


If the update plugin does not find in the storage the product to which your offer is linked, it will mark this offer with an invalid link icon product does not exist in the storage in the Information column.


This filter assigns the appropriate label to offers if, during several consecutive synchronizations, it does not find a product in the storage linked to the offer.



These details will also be visible in the synchronization logs.


If the stock and price synchronization module is disabled, the lack of linkage will become apparent, for example, when attempting to update offer data based on the storage using the appropriate operation (Operations → Update offers(configurator).

Shop removed, supplier removed

If the online shop’s storage (or the supplier’s storage) has been disconnected, a message reading Shop removed or Supplier removed will appear in the Listing management section.


In such a case, you need to reconnect the storage and then re-link the offers to the products. You can locate unlinked offers using the filter Warning: Offers not related to products from the storage.

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