Warehouse in BaseLinker is a physical place for storing goods. Within a warehouse, you can assign locations (multiple) and stock levels (one per warehouse) to each product.


You can assign multiple warehouses to each product inventory.


You can read more about warehouses in BaseLinker in the article: Warehouse (locations and stock).


Assigning locations

You can add locations to products:

  • individually, from the Sales and storage tab on the product card;
  • using the operation Editing products in the sheet on the product list;
  • through the API.


In the Location in the storage / Quantity in storage section on the product card (Sales and Warehouse), you will see a list of warehouses available for the catalog where the product is located. Each warehouse has a separate stock level and locations.




You can select locations from a list previously added to the system or enter a new one (if the catalog setting allows it). At the very bottom of the list of available locations, there’s a Manage locations button, which will take you to the location settings (Products → Settings → Locations).

Via API and file import

Sending locations via API or file import will overwrite this field.


If quick location creation from the product card is not enabled, and the sent location doesn’t exist in the system, the field value will not be changed.

Displaying locations

Locations assigned to a product can be displayed:


Location settings

In location settings (Products → Settings → Locations), you can add new locations and their types to the system.

Locations list

In the Products → Settings → Locations → Location list tab, there’s a table containing all locations created so far in the system within the selected warehouse.


Each has its colornametype, information about availability in picking, and picking priority.


The context menu in the last column of the table allows you to edit the selected location, find products that have it assigned, print a label in PDF, and delete the given location.


Filtering is available above the table. You can also bulk delete selected locations and generate PDF labels for them to print.




Using the +Add location button, you can create a new location. The +Add multiple button allows for bulk addition of locations with the same settings.

Location types

In the Products → Settings → Locations → Location types tab, a list of location types created in the system is available.


Each location type in BaseLinker can have an assigned namemaximum quantity of products that can be assigned to locations of this type, maximum weightwidthheightdepth, and an indication of whether it’s a transfer location.


To add a new type, click the green +Add type button in the top right corner (above the list).


You can edit or delete each available location type.


Inventory settings

In the inventory settings (Products → Settings → Inventories → Edit inventory), two additional options regarding locations are available.

  • Locations – quick creation – Yes will allow manual addition of new locations from the product card, as well as assigning locations that didn’t previously exist in BaseLinker via API and from a file.
  • Locations – priority – guiding the warehouse worker during product picking:
    • Nearest (alphanumeric sorting),
    • Highest location priority – according to location settings.


Picking and Packing Assistant

In the Picking/Packing settings (Orders → Settings → Picking/packing), options related to locations are available.

  • Product Locations:
    • Display current locations from the inventory (applies only to products linked to a catalog in BaseLinker);
    • Use the locations given in the order item.
  • Locations – displaying:
    • Display all product locations;
    • Display only one product location.
  • Locations – require confirmation – location to be confirmed by clicking or scanning a code:
    • Yes, storageman must confirm use of specific location if product is in multiple locations;
    • Yes, the storageman must always confirm the use of a specific location;
    • No, the storageman does not have to confirm the use of a specific location.

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