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Competition price monitoring

The Competition module (currently available for Allegro, eMAG, Ceneo and Amazon) allows tracking competitors’ prices for selected offers. The system periodically searches for the 5 cheapest offers of a given product and allows for a quick preview.



In the Integrations section → Marketplace accountCompetition, you can enable the module for checking competitors’ prices. Thanks to it, in the Offer/Auction management, next to your offer prices, the competitors’ prices will appear.



By default, prices are checked once a day. You can select up to 100 offers for free within all accounts of a single marketplace connected to the system (in the case of eMAG, Amazon, and Ceneo).

For Allegro, this limit is 1,000.

Settings – Allegro

After selecting the Enabled option, you will see additional settings to configure:

  • Followed users – you can enter the usernames of sellers whose prices you want to track. If you leave this field empty, prices from all sellers will be compared.
  • Ignored users – in this field, enter the usernames of sellers whose prices should not be considered when checking competitors’ prices.
  • Ignore my offers – by selecting this option, prices from your other Allegro accounts (if you have more than one connected to the system) will not be compared.
  • Track the price of the cheapest shipment in competition – if you choose “Yes”, the offer list will also show a comparison of the price along with delivery costs.
  • Condition “New” – you can decide whether to check prices only for new products.
  • Search Type:
    • Only by EAN;
    • By EAN or name – if the offer is linked to a product that doesn’t have an EAN code, the module will attempt to search for competitive offers by name. In other cases, the comparison will be made by EAN;
    • Only by name.


Settings – eMAG/Ceneo


After enabling the plugin for eMAG and Ceneo, the only available setting is Ignored Users. In this field, you can enter the usernames of sellers whose offers should not be considered when checking prices. 


To ensure the plugin works correctly, you should also enter the usernames of your own accounts.

The compared products on Ceneo

In the case of Ceneo, the product ID is not retrieved from our system on the marketplace side. Therefore, products for comparison are searched for by the offer title. If a product is matched unambiguously, its ID will be saved in the BaseLinker database, and on subsequent module runs, prices of the previously found product will be checked.


In the competition module settings for the selected offer (Ceneo → Offer management → pencil icon on the right side of the selected offer → Competition → Settings), you can enter a link to the product page (on Ceneo) or the product ID in the Ceneo catalog. This ensures that the price checking results are always accurate for the expected product.



For satisfactory results, we recommend manually assigning product IDs for the compared offers.

Settings – Amazon




First, you need to select the site for which you want to configure competitor price monitoring. Each market can have different settings.


After enabling the plugin in the integration settings of the selected Amazon account, the following options will appear for configuration:

  • Ignore my offers – check this if offers from your other accounts (connected to the system) should not be considered.
  • Comparison mode – choose whether prices should be compared only with FBA offers, FBM offers, or both.
  • Buy Box – also known as Amazon Featured Offer, choose whether the price should be reduced if you already have the lowest price but haven’t yet obtained the Buy Box.
  • Try to get Buy Box by reducing the price by – this option is available after selecting always try to get Buy Box above.



Within the competition module, there is also a price automation (repricing) functionality.

The repricing feature allows you to adjust prices in relation to competitors based on the conditions you set.


A detailed description of the functionality and its settings can be found in the article Repricing.


For free, you can choose up to 100 offers from all accounts connected to the system of a single marketplace platform, which will be adjusted to competitors once a day.



By default, you are entitled to a free limit of checking prices once a day for 1 000 offers across all accounts connected to the system within a single marketplace (1 000 for Allegro accounts and 1 000 for eMAG accounts).

If you are interested in checking prices more frequently, under the Integrations tab → Accelerations, additional paid options are available:

  • 4 times a day, max. 1 000 offers (for all accounts/marketplace);
  • every hour, max. 10 000 offers (for all accounts/marketplace).


The given limits apply (unlike, for example, in the case of stock/price synchronization) to all accounts connected to the system within a given marketplace platform.

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