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Connecting Amazon accounts

To connect an Amazon account, you need to have an active Amazon Seller Professional subscription.


You can link a new Amazon account to the BaseLinker system 2-3 days after activating the professional plan.


How to connect an Amazon account to BaseLinker?

  1. Log in to the BaseLinker panel and go to the Integrations section.
  2. Click the green button +Add Integration, and then in the Marketplace section, select Amazon.
  3. Choose the marketplace for your Amazon account:
    • Connect your Amazon EU account – Europe,
    • Connect your Amazon NA account – North America,
    • Connect your Amazon FE account – Far East.
  4. Log in to the Amazon page you will be redirected to.
  5. At the bottom of the page, grant access to the application (checkbox) and confirm with the button Confirm.
  6. You will be redirected back to the Amazon integration settings window in BaseLinker. You will see automatically filled fields: Region, Account name, and Seller ID. You can modify the account name as desired, as it is the name displayed in the system.
  7. Click the blue Save button, and you’re all set! The integration has been added to your system.


You can connect any number of Amazon accounts to BaseLinker. After adding a new account, go to its settings to complete the configuration.

Amazon Merchant ID/Seller ID

In Amazon, you may encounter two terms: Merchant ID and Seller ID. These are exactly the same thing.


You can use the Seller ID, for example, to generate a link to purchase a product specifically from your offer (or from a seller with the specified Merchant ID).


The Seller/Merchant ID is automatically retrieved during the process of connecting the Amazon integration in BaseLinker.

Where to find the Merchant ID/Seller ID?

You can find the Amazon Merchant/Seller ID independently in the address of the Amazon seller’s page.


You can find it by clicking on your username in the listed offer in the Sold by field.


The Seller/Merchant ID is the string of characters visible in the page link after the phrase seller= (between the “=” and “&” signs).



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