Back to Help – account configuration

BaseLinker offers two-way integration with, which allows not only to import orders to the panel but also to list offers based on products from the warehouse in bulk with just a few clicks. 


Integration with module enables:


How to link a account

To connect your account, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Integrations.
  2. Click the green button +Add integration, and then in the Marketplace section select
  3. Log in to your Partner account and get your Shop ID and Client ID.
  4. Copy your credentials to BaseLinker panel and click the Save button below.
  5. Check if your connection is set up correctly by clicking the Test connection button.
  6. Congratulations – you have just added a account to your BaseLinker account. 


You can connect as many accounts as you want! This does not affect the subscription fee.


Integration settings

When you add a new account you will see 6 tabs:



  • Connection – here you can test if the connection is correct. If it was interrupted (e.g. when you changed your account password), all you have to do is to check the Shop and Client ID again. Do not delete the current connection! If you do, you will delete the entire configuration of the module;
  • Orders – here you can activate the download of orders. However, we recommend that you first configure Order Manager’
  • Listing settings here you can choose a category, shipping template, and offer template for your entire account, set a price multiplier, and complete the general offer settings;
  • Order statuses;
  • Prices – the price synchronization module will allow you to automatically synchronize prices in offers according to the prices of products in stock;
  • Stock – the stock synchronization module will allow you to automatically synchronize offer stock according to the warehouse. module

On the left side of the BaseLinker panel, you will see the module. Here you will find 6 tabs:




  • Listing here you list your offers. To proceed to the listing form, select the warehouse, account and products and click List selected (form);
  • Offer management – here you can manage existing offers. You can also import offers listed outside BaseLinker (and manage them directly in the panel) and export offers for further analysis;
  • Shipping templates here you will import shipping templates;
  • Categories and parameters – in this tab you will select your favorite categories and you will map the parameters;
  • Offer templates – here you will create the Offer templates;
  • Associations – here you can assign marketplace categories, offer templates, and shipping templates to the category (or products) from the warehouse.



To list offers with literally a few clicks, configure the module by following these steps:

  1. Connect account in Integrations → +Add integration.
  2. Create and import shipping templates in → Shipping templates.
  3. Select your favorite categories in → Categories and parameters → categories. This way your favorite categories will be visible from a drop-down list on listing form.
  4. Create your own offer templates in → Offer templates. You can also use available templates.
  5. Complete the offer settings in Integrations → → Listing settings. Please complete here the default form settings (e.g. duration, offer format, price multiplier, etc.).
  6. Map parameters in → Categories and parameters → parameters. With the created rules, offer parameters will be completed automatically on the listing form.
  7. Create category and product links in → Associations. Assign marketplace categories, offer templates and shipping rates to categories (or products) from the warehouse.
  8. Congratulations, you have just fully set up your account/


Correct configuration of the module allows bulk listing of your offers with just a few clicks.


To get the most out of the system, follow these steps:

  1. Configure the price synchronization module in Integrations → Prices.
  2. Configure stock synchronization module in Integrations→ Stock.
  3. Configure the Order Manager and activate order import to BaseLinker in Integrations →→ Orders.


Now you can proceed to the real sales:

  1. List your first offers. You can also place multi-variant offers.
  2. Offers can be marked as offers relisted automatically
  3. If you have listed offers outside BaseLinker, you can import them following instructions in Importing offers and products


Remember that for proper use of the system every offer should be correctly linked to product in the warehouse.


Mall Delivery

The system also includes a courier integration called Mall Delivery. To correctly dispatch shipments for orders from Mall, a separate Mall Delivery integration should be added for each Mall account.


Dispatching shipments through the Mall Delivery integration is only possible for Mall orders with the Shipping status.

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