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Skroutz – integration setup

Skroutz is the largest e-commerce platform in Greece and Cyprus. Integration with Skroutz allows for listing new offers on the marketplace, as well as retrieving and managing orders.


How to set up the integration?

Proper setup of Skroutz integration in BaseLinker can be divided into four stages.

Adding the integration

  1. First, log in to your BaseLinker panel, go to the Integrations tab Add Integration and search for Skroutz in the list of available plugins.
  2. Enter the account name (displayed in the system, it can be any name you choose) and the store title that will be displayed on the marketplace. Then click “Save“. The plugin will be connected to your account.

Generating a link to the XML file with the offers

To list offers on the marketplace via BaseLinker and/or synchronize their statuses and prices, go to the Skroutz integration settings. In the Listing settings tab, toggle the option Generate offer file to “Yes“. Copy the displayed link below and save the changes. This link should be pasted during the store registration process on Skroutz.


To verify a file through Skroutz, you need to add at least 20 product offers to it (from the Skroutz section → Listing).

Account registration on Skroutz

  1. In the first step of registering your store on Skroutz, you need to provide basic information about your company. If you have previously generated the link to the XML file with your offers, check the checkbox “I have a feed file with the products of my store” at the bottom of the form.
  2. In the next step (Feed file), paste the previously copied XML file link from BaseLinker. Skroutz will verify its correctness.
  3. If the file is accepted, you will be taken to the terms of use page. Read them carefully, and if you agree – accept them by checking the checkbox located below the content.
  4. After accepting the terms and conditions, you will proceed to the next step, where you need to provide additional information about your company, such as the main contact, address, etc.
  5. Depending on the country where your business is registered, you may be required to submit additional documents such as the proof of ID of the Legal Representative, proof of Business Estabilishment etc.
  6. After successful registration, you will need to pay for the subscription to activate your account.


To ensure a successful registration, please remember to:

  1. Add your offer to the XML before verification on Skroutz.
  2. Generate descriptions and names in the English language (you can do this using the DeepL translator plugin or artificial intelligence functionality).
  3. Generate prices in EUR.

Generating an API key

  1. To download orders from the marketplace into BaseLinker and manage them within the system, in the Skroutz panel, go to the Services tab Skroutz marketplace. In the BaseLinker Integration section, generate and copy the API key.
  2. Paste the copied code into the Token field in the Connection tab of the integration settings in BaseLinker, and click “Save“.
  3. If the connection is successful, you will see additional tabs in the integration settings: Orders, Order statuses, Prices, and Stock.


Integration configuration

After adding the plugin, the following tabs will be available in the integration settings:

  • Connection – here you can verify the correctness of the connection with your account and enter the API token.
  • Orders – in this tab, you will find settings related to orders: you can enable/disable downloading them, set the status for new orders, configure the forwarding of tracking numbers, and more.
  • Listing settings – from this tab, you can enable/disable the generation of the link to the file with offers and configure default listing settings for all offers. This includes settings such as offer template, source warehouse, and price multiplier, among others.
  • Feed log – this tab will appear after generating a link to the XML file with the offer. You will be able to check in it when the file was refreshed by BaseLinker and when it was downloaded by the marketplace.
  • Order statuses – in this tab, you can enable the mapping of order statuses. This will result in sending any status changes for orders in the system to the marketplace. However, please note that synchronization does not work in the opposite direction (changing the status on the marketplace side will not update the status in BaseLinker).
  • Prices – the price synchronization module allows you to automatically synchronize prices in offers according to the prices of products in your inventory. It ensures that the prices displayed in your offers are updated based on the prices of the corresponding products in your warehouse.
  • Stock the stock levels synchronization module allows you to automatically synchronize the stock levels in your offers based on the stock levels of the corresponding products in your warehouse. This ensures that the availability information displayed in your offers is always up to date.

Please note that the price and stock synchronization settings apply to the update of the offer XML file by BaseLinker. The frequency of Skroutz retrieving the file depends on the marketplace and currently occurs every 15 minutes.


In the Marketplace → Skroutz section of the BaseLinker menu, you will see the following tabs:

  • Listing – In this section, you can select products to list and provide all the necessary information about them that will be sent to the marketplace. Here, you can set up product details, pricing, stock levels, and other relevant information for listing on Skroutz.
  • Offer management – In this section, you will see your listed offers. You can manage them by associating them with products from your warehouse or by ending the listings. Additionally, you have the option to export the available offers to a file.
  • Categories and parameters – in this tab, you can map parameters.
  • Offer templates – here you can create your own layouts for new offers.
  • Associations – from this tab, you can assign corresponding marketplace categories, shipping price lists, and offer templates to individual products and/or categories in your inventory. 


Integration capabilities

Integration with Skroutz in BaseLinker enables:

  • listing offers based on products in BaseLinker’s warehouse, connected store warehouse, wholesaler, ERP system;
  • updating stock levels and prices in offers listed by BaseLinker based on an automatically updated XML file;
  • fetching orders and managing their processing;
  • forwarding the tracking number to the marketplace and/or customer (after the shipment has been dispatched/entered into our system);
  • forwarding orders to an online store or ERP system;
  • linking order statuses between BaseLinker and Skroutz (any change in the order status in BaseLinker will also update the order status in the Skroutz service).

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Listing offers

To properly list offers on Skroutz, first configure the shipping rates directly on the marketplace side (navigate to Store → Shipping Cost tab).


In the case of the Skroutz marketplace, the listing of offers is done based on an XML file. According to the integration setup instructions, you need to generate the XML file link from BaseLinker and paste it on the marketplace’s side.


By default, the offer file is empty and does not contain any products.

The offer file is automatically populated based on the filled-out listing form (Skroutz → Listing), similar to other marketplaces.


Every product listed on Skroutz should have a category assigned in the inventory. The default category selected in the Listing settings or mapped in the Categories and parameters section for this marketplace does not apply.

Multiple Variants Listings

On Skroutz, you can also list multiple variants of a product, with the distinguishing parameter being size.


To do this, simply select a product with variants from your storage to list, just as you would when listing individual products.

Next, click on the Variants button in the right corner of the listing form and choose the variants you want to list. At the bottom of the window, check Create a new variant group and select Size as the parameter.


To group individual products into a variant group, you can list them in the standard way. However, remember to fill in the Size parameter on the listing form. Skroutz will handle the grouping on its end.

Shipping parcels

Among the logistics partners serviced by Skroutz are the following courier companies and their international partners:

  • DHL,
  • Geniki Taxydromiki,
  • DPD,
  • GLS,
  • ACS.

These companies are integrated with Skroutz, ensuring that the status of shipments is automatically updated in real-time on the marketplace.


We recommend using the above courier companies for shipping parcels for orders from Skroutz. This way, you can avoid potential delays in payment (order revenues are paid out by Skroutz after the order is delivered to the customer).


You can find Skroutz’s courier guidelines in this document.

To ensure that the courier companies you use for shipping are correctly communicated to the marketplace, map the couriers. You can do this in the Skroutz integration settings (Integrations → Skroutz account → Advanced settings).


You will find the answers to the questions asked during the webinar HERE.

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