Quick Access to Your Favorite Features in BaseLinker


In our ongoing quest to improve efficiency and user convenience, we’ve made significant changes to the Quick Access feature. These updates will allow for better personalisation of the system and make navigation significantly easier. Check out what we’ve prepared this time!

Quick Access in the BaseLinker Panel

After logging into the BaseLinker panel, you’ll find the Quick Access feature on the top bar. This function allows you to expand a list of items that enable direct access to your most visited or key system sections, speeding up your work and eliminating the need to click through multiple screens.

Quick Access In BaseLinker Panel

Quick Access also opens up new configuration possibilities. You can customize the color and icon for each item on the list, making it easy to instantly recognize and navigate. Editing the list is simple and intuitive – you can add, reorder, or remove items as required.

Editing Quick Access List In Baselinker

External Links Within Quick Access

What really sets the modified Quick Access apart is the ability to add external links. This means you can redirect to an external page while maintaining the impression that it is part of the BaseLinker interface.

Want to know how to do this step by step? Read the Quick Access article in our Help section.

If you use scripts that run on external servers in your daily work, you no longer need to waste time launching them separately for your employees on each work computer. You can set it up once in the Quick Access panel!

Adding New Quick Access Link In Baselinker

However, the possibilities of the new quick access do not end here. We can extend its functionality even further by taking a text message from an external source and displaying it inside BaseLinker. This opens up the possibility of integrating external data with processes inside the platform, such as displaying the current exchange rate or informing employees of the status of a running script.

Why Use Quick Access in BaseLinker?

Using Quick Access in BaseLinker brings numerous benefits. Let’s summarize a few main advantages:

  1. Time savings: By utilizing the full potential of the Quick Access panel, you reduce the time needed to access key system sections. Instead of searching through menus, users can now go directly to the areas they’re interested in. This also means easier access to places in the system that aren’t immediately visible on the side menu.
  2. More efficient onboarding of new employees: Simplified access to the most frequently used functions allows for faster and easier onboarding of new employees. They don’t have to learn all aspects of the system at once, which speeds up their adaptation and allows them to focus on key tasks.
  3. Personalization: The ability to add colorful icons, change the order, and remove items allows for creating a personalized work environment that best suits individual requirements and preferences.
  4. Consistency: Tabs added within Quick Access will be visible on all employee profiles, eliminating the need for configuration for each individual. This saves time and ensures consistency in panel usage.
  5. External linking: Adding external links to Quick Access allows easy redirection of users to external pages while maintaining the consistency of the BaseLinker interface. This is particularly useful for those using various scripts running on external servers, which can now be easily launched without the need for multiple logins on different computers.

The new feature in the BaseLinker system is not just a convenient way to access key places in the panel, but also a tool enabling personalization, integration with external applications, and increased work efficiency. With this solution, users gain more control and the ability to adapt their environment to their needs. We encourage you to try out the new feature and share your experience in the comments! 🙂

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Base.com is a software designed to integrate popular marketplaces, store platforms, carriers and useful e-commerce tools in one friendly panel. Try bulk listing, order management and process automation functions to save time and money. Base.com will automatically change order statuses, send customer messages, issue invoices, create shipments and print documents. Test all system integrations and functions during a 14-day free trial.

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