AI functions in BaseLinker


We are pleased to announce an innovation in the BaseLinker panel – the first set of features based on artificial intelligence. The new solutions are a combination of our own AI models, based on the millions of offers and products in BaseLinker, with open source and commercial models. This is a next step in the automation of many repetitive and routine tasks allowing for significant time savings.

The functionalities were presented for the first time at the BaseLinker Expo in Krakow, Poland, and attendees of that conference were given access to early beta testing. Now the AI functionalities are available to all BaseLinker users, in any subscription plan.

Parameters matching

Listing new offers on the marketplace also requires filling in product parameters. This is labour-intensive because each category contains a different set of parameters to be filled in. Parameter mapping has been available for a long time in BaseLinker, but this does not cover all cases, so human involvement remains unavoidable. Now BaseLinker, with the help of AI, will fill in many parameters on its own by analysing the descriptions and product attributes in the inventory.

You can use the new function when listing using the Fill (AI) button under the parameters section (for a single offer) or from group operations for all offers in the listing form at once. Please note: some parameters with custom data such as ean, weight, length and similar are omitted by AI.

The AI parameter matching function is available for all marketplaces.

Generating product names and descriptions

One of the most time-consuming tasks in online sales is creating a variety of content to describe products. Presenting this information correctly and clearly plays an important role in the sales process – convincing customers to buy your product, building their trust and enhancing the brand image. The AI module in BaseLinker can generate original product names and descriptions in any language with a single click. To create the content, the system uses all the available product information.

In the settings (the arrow next to the Generate button) there are additional options for the created texts. You can select the style and length of the text, as well as format instructions.

Generating a list of attributes

Another new AI-based feature is the creation of product parameters. The algorithm will select and generate a list of attributes itself based on all the product data it has. It is possible to create a completely new list of attributes or add new parameters to an existing list.

The function is available on the Product CardParameters by clicking on the Generate button. The arrow expands the settings, allowing you to select the number of parameters to be generated.

Generating special fields

The next feature that will make it easier to expand sales in new channels is the generation of special fields. It will work especially well for listing on Amazon, which requires the seller to add a description in a special format – a list of short features called the bullet points. These are key listing elements, as they grab customers’ attention, reduce decision-making time and support the optimisation of the listing’s visibility on the platform.

BaseLinker, using AI, will generate bullet points automatically, in the appropriate language, based on all product descriptions and parameters. The function is available under AmazonListing.


Translating product content is one of the main factors that not only significantly slows down foreign expansion, but also generates additional costs. To remove this barrier, BaseLinker offers integration with the best translation tool – DeepL. New AI features enables even better text generation in any language. The function allows you to create original descriptions, names and parameters as well as adapt the style of speech to the market, sales channel or target group.

Cutting out backgrounds from product photos

Sales platforms often require products to be presented on a neutral background. Removing backgrounds from images used to involve human labour and access to graphic programs. To make the process easier, we have embedded this functionality directly in BaseLinker. Go to the Photos tab in the product card and click on the scissors icon to cut out the background.

Allegro categories matching

When listing on Allegro, one of the mandatory information to be filled in is ‘category’ (listing offers apart from productization). Until now, the solution to automate this process in BaseLinker was to associate a category from the warehouse with an Allegro category. However, this is relatively time-consuming to set up for the first time and not always effective (as the categorisation on Allegro may be different to that in the warehouse).

Now, the AI model created by BaseLinker will match the appropriate Allegro category based on the product data. The operation can be performed individually on a selected offer or in bulk on all offers in the listing form.

We are currently working on further AI models offering similar functionality for other marketplace platforms as well.

Group operations

All the above-mentioned functionalities are also available in mass use. This is when their greatest potential becomes visible. Activities that may have taken hours, days or weeks of work can be outsourced to the system as a group operation that will be performed in minutes on a large number of products. Operations related to the listing of offers are available as a group in the listing form directly below the list of offers. Functions related to the generation of text in inventory and background cutting are available under the Operations button in the list of products in inventory.

A detailed description of how to use the AI in BaseLinker is available in the Knowledge Base.

AI functionalities are available free of charge as part of a BaseLinker subscription.

Due to their demanding infrastructure, AI queries are accessible at certain daily limits. If you frequently find yourself exceeding the allowed limit, use the option to increase the number of queries! You will find it in Integrations → Accelerations tab → AI BaseLinker (artificial intelligence).

Artificial intelligence models are developing rapidly, so the features based on it in BaseLinker will gradually be extended. We would like to thank users who willingly participated in the testing of AI features and invite you to try out the new possibilities in the panel.

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BaseLinker is a software designed to integrate popular marketplaces, store platforms, carriers and useful e-commerce tools in one friendly panel. Try bulk listing, order management and process automation functions to save time and money. BaseLinker will automatically change order statuses, send customer messages, issue invoices, create shipments and print documents. Test all system integrations and functions during a 14-day free trial.

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