CategoryInventory control

Join webinar to learn all about automating your ecommerce with BaseLinker workflow automations


As an ecommerce business owner, you are always looking for ways to streamline your processes and increase efficiency. That’s where BaseLinker’s workflow automations come in. By automating repetitive tasks, you can save time and reduce errors, allowing you to focus on growing your business. We would like to show you how it’s done during the webinar, which will take place on Monday...

BaseLinker Printer – fiscal receipt printing


Our BaseLinker Printer application, which allows to print documents from the panel with a single click, is very popular among our system users. In order to meet received suggestions, we are putting into your hands the awaited option of printing fiscal receipts. How does it work? Printing receipts in BaseLiner Printer enables free and fast printing of receipts on fiscal printers in the BaseLinker...

BaseLinker Changelog – February 2023


BaseLinker is being extended with new modules, features and options every day. Below is a list of the modifications made in February. The most important updates are described in separate blog posts as they are implemented. Product Manager and Order Manager: [Automatic actions] Add random and dependent conditions to orders macro tasks in Automatic actions[Automatic actions] New triggers in macros...

Integration with Amazon Multi-Channel Fulfillment now available!


BaseLinker offers more than 100 courier and fulfillment integrations. To this group has been added a new service offered by the world’s largest sales platform – Amazon Multi-Channel Fulfillment. It allows picking, packing and shipping of products from Amazon’s warehouse to a buyer from another sales channel (e.g. eBay, Etsy or your own shop). The integration of BaseLinker x...

Integration with Wish – join 250,000 sellers


Starting from today, in your BaseLinker panel, you can connect a new integration with the well-known marketplace platform, Wish. Over 90% of user activity takes place in the mobile application, and entrepreneurs sell over 800,000 items daily. One of the advantages of Wish is its algorithm that actively matches products to customers, which increases both the engagement rate and the time spent...

Purchase orders prediction in the BaseLinker inventory

Purchase order in BaseLinker

We have been working intensively on the development of the Inventory control section in BaseLinker Product Manager. Among other things, we have devoted the last few months to the important Purchase orders section. Automatic supplies’ deliveries and related sales forecasting functions are now available to BaseLinker users. Discover 3 paths to automate purchase orders: 1/ Product list in the...

BaseLinker Changelog – January 2023

Changelog BaseLinker - January 2023

BaseLinker is being extended with new modules, features and options every day. Below is a list of the modifications made in January. The most important updates are described in separate blog posts as they are implemented. Product Manager and Order Manager: [Automatic actions] Override field ‘issuer’ in automatic actions for invoice and correction creation[OSS] default vat rate for LU...

New features in the BaseLinker Connect integration


In recent months, we released our custom BaseLinker Connect integration, which simplifies the transfer of data between BaseLinker accounts. We are pleased that you liked the idea of it very much and that you are willing to use its functionalities. Thank you for your valuable feedback, thanks to which we are developing the Connect module for your needs. Below you will find out what new...

FreeAgent – new integration with an accounting software


FreeAgent is an accounting software used by over 150,000 small businesses in the United Kingdom. Integration between BaseLinker Order Manager and FreeAgent allows all invoices issued in our system to be forwarded to the accounting platform at any time. Learn about selected features of the BaseLinker – FreeAgent integration: export invoices (either automatically when you create a document or in...

Integration with the British carrier DX

BaseLinker x DX

DX is a popular carrier in the UK and Ireland with over 45 years experience in handling parcel delivery. DX owns 88 depot points and delivers parcels of all sizes across Europe and other continents to both business and home addresses. The integration between BaseLinker and DX allows you to quickly send DX shipments directly from the BaseLinker Order Manager. Simply connect the DX integration...

Time of publication

