Price automation (Repricing) for Allegro and eMAG


At BaseLinker, we’re thrilled to introduce our latest feature based on user suggestions. We have expanded the long-standing price-checking functionality for Allegro. Now, in your dashboard, you can activate the Competition module for Allegro and eMAG, enabling automatic price adjustments based on other sellers’ offers. Leveraging price automation, commonly referred to as repricing, will save you valuable time and resources that were previously spent on manual monitoring and adjustments.

Repricing is a tool that may be associated with the need to lower prices, leading to unhealthy price competition. However, the primary purpose of the new feature is intelligent adaptation to market dynamics, often achieved through raising prices. When competitive offers increase or certain products become scarce, price automation allows sellers to strategically raise their prices and margins, capitalizing on favorable market conditions.

For merchants aiming to avoid margin erosion, this tool can be configured to prioritize raising prices or prevent margins from falling below defined profitability thresholds. Beta tests have shown that the majority of users used BaseLinkers repricing to increase prices and boost their product margins.

BaseLinker’s Competition Module

The Competition Module in BaseLinker is designed for entrepreneurs looking to maintain a competitive edge when selling on Allegro and eMAG. It enables efficient price control based on other offers on these platforms. Here are its main features:

Monitoring competitor prices for selected offers: The module allows you to monitor prices for auctions you select. The system regularly searches for the five cheapest offers for a given product, ensuring you always have up-to-date insights into prices offered by other sellers. A special column in the offer list displays the price of the cheapest competing offer.

Price automation (repricing): Based on the collected competitive price data, BaseLinker’s system offers a repricing feature that can automatically update your product prices. The price range for your offer depends on the markup settings you define. This ensures your product maintains profitability tailored to your business goals.

How Does the New Feature Compare to the Existing Allegro Competition Module?

The new feature outperforms our previous, very popular Allegro competition module in several ways:

Increased Speed: The previous module compared 1,000 offers a week, while the new one does it daily, which means 7x more frequently.
Decreased Cost: The old module costs PLN 10 for each Allegro account (for daily price comparisons). The new one is free.
Improved Functionalities: Unlike the previous module, the new one not only compares prices but can also automatically adjust them based on rules you set, with up to 100 price changes daily.
Higher Precision: The old module randomly checked 1,000 offers from your database each time. The new one allows you to specify precisely which offers you want to track or automate.
Expanded Reach: Price comparison and automation are now available not only for Allegro but also for eMAG, with additional marketplaces coming soon.

As many users relied on the previous Allegro competition module for their operations, its output data will remain visible in the system for one more month. Only after setting up the new competition module will the old data be replaced with new information.

Why Should You Use BaseLinker’s Repricing Feature?

Price Optimization
Repricing enables continuous monitoring and adjustment of your product prices, allowing sellers to optimize their pricing strategy in response to changing market conditions, enhancing their chances of success in e-commerce.

Rapid Response to Competition
You can quickly respond to price changes made by competitors without manual intervention, improving attractiveness of your offers and adapting swiftly to market dynamics.

Time Savings
Manual price monitoring and updates are time-consuming. Automated price management eliminates this need, enabling sellers to focus on other critical aspects of running their businesses.

How to Activate the Competition Module in BaseLinker?

You can find the Competition Module in the settings of the Allegro/eMAG integration. To activate it, enable Monitoring the competition’s prices and Repricing within this module. You will then see the conditions required for the system to adjust your prices, including base price, amount addition (the amount added to the base price before calculating the markup), markup (margin added to the base price), and minimum difference (how much cheaper your offer should be compared to the cheapest competitor offer). These settings can be adjusted to suit your specific needs.

These integration settings will allow you to make use of operations related to price automation in the Marketplace → Auction/Offer management section. There, under Operations → Monitoring the competition’s prices you have the option to choose between Monitoring the competition’s prices and Repricing operations. For precise instructions on connecting the Competition Module and a technical description of all its capabilities, refer to the Help section.

Please note that to use price automation and forward prices to Allegro and eMAG, you must enable price synchronization, which can be found in the Integrations → Marketplace account → Settings → Prices. Check our help resources for guidance on this process.

Information about the number of tracked prices and activated automation can be found in the Competition tab in integration settings for each specific marketplace. As part of the module, you can compare up to 1,000 offers for free once a day and automate pricing for 100 offers. If you require more, consider our Acceleration feature in the Integrations section, where you can increase both the comparison/automation limits and frequency (even hourly comparisons).

We hope this new feature will streamline your work, especially in the upcoming Q4. We would appreciate your feedback and suggestions for further module development!

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BaseLinker is a software designed to integrate popular marketplaces, store platforms, carriers and useful e-commerce tools in one friendly panel. Try bulk listing, order management and process automation functions to save time and money. BaseLinker will automatically change order statuses, send customer messages, issue invoices, create shipments and print documents. Test all system integrations and functions during a 14-day free trial.

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