RMA System – Handling Order Returns, Exchanges, and Repairs in BaseLinker


Handling returns has long been a frequent topic in your inquiries. After more than a year of work, we are proud to introduce an advanced return management system available to all at no extra cost. We are confident that, over time, it will become not only a standard part of your processes but an integral part of BaseLinker as well, just like the Order Manager. In this article, we would like to showcase the features offered by BaseLinker’s new return system.

The RMA system is designed to provide maximum operational flexibility and can be applied in numerous scenarios:

  • Returns (when a customer sends back part or the entire order)
  • Complaints/exchanges (when a customer returns a product, and the seller sends a different item)
  • Repairs (when a customer returns a product that is processed and then shipped back to them)

Efficient Return Management

Return management is one of the key aspects of e-commerce, touching on logistics, accounting, and customer satisfaction. Efficient and convenient return processes build trust among clients, making them more likely to revisit our store. During the return process, it’s crucial for sellers to generate the appropriate documents and correctly restock the returned goods – and our module can help with that.

You can also automate all return-related actions. Here, we present a range of automations that enable swift return management and save you time:

  • Restocking inventory: Once you accept a return, the product’s inventory level in the selected warehouse will automatically increase. You can also automate which warehouse the returned item should go to.
  • Automated return actions: We’ve added new conditions and actions. You can automatically accept or decline returns, issue corrective invoices, refund payments, request marketplace commission refunds, send emails to customers, and more. Manage returns using the familiar mechanism of automatic actions.
  • Invoice corrections: Easily issue corrective invoices based on returns without manually selecting items – all data will be pulled from the return.
  • Refund processing: Mark the returns that have had funds sent back to the customer. For platforms like Allegro, you can fully automate the refund process.
  • Fetching Allegro returns: All returns initiated by buyers directly on Allegro will go automatically to the system. Soon, returns from other channels that support them will also be integrated.
  • Return portal and return form for customers: If the sales channel lacks a built-in return form (e.g., an online store), send an initiate return link to the customer (select products and reasons for the return, receive a return label).
  • Custom status list: Take control over each stage of the return process, similar to the Order List. Group statuses based on return sources, carriers, or warehouses handling the return. Change statuses via automatic actions.
  • Product exchanges: Quickly create a new order when products are exchanged for the customer.

All Returns in One Place

If you sell across multiple channels, the RMA system helps you manage returns coming from different platforms, even when each sales source demands a distinct return handling method. We offer three ways of adding returns to BaseLinker tailored to your needs.

Customer Return Form

The system generates a return page for each order, where the customer identifies and selects products to return and states the reasons. The return then automatically appears in the BaseLinker panel, giving you a complete overview. You can also generate and provide a return label for the customer.

Allegro Returns

BaseLinker automatically fetches returns made by buyers on Allegro. You can manage these returns from BaseLinker: process the refund, request an Allegro commission refund, and retrieve the return shipment tracking number (which allows you to match the return to the received package easily).

Manual Return Creation

If a customer initiates a return via email or phone, you can create a return for the chosen order with a single click. Easily determine the items a client wants to return, generate a return label for the customer, and issue an invoice correction. Then, await the arrival of the package and easily restock the products.

Future Developments and Plans

Despite the tremendous effort invested in creating this module, it remains a beta version of the service. In the coming months, we will add more features, new automations and expand the list of sales channels integrated with return handling.

We encourage you to use the new functionality and share your thoughts. As you know, we are open to feedback and suggestions. You can reach us through the Help and contact tab in the BaseLinker panel. We also urge you to use the suggestion portal, which we regularly check and strive to implement the most popular suggestions.

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BaseLinker is a software designed to integrate popular marketplaces, store platforms, carriers and useful e-commerce tools in one friendly panel. Try bulk listing, order management and process automation functions to save time and money. BaseLinker will automatically change order statuses, send customer messages, issue invoices, create shipments and print documents. Test all system integrations and functions during a 14-day free trial.

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