FAQ Base.com

Current topic: Integrations


Are there any additional charges for using BaseLinker Connect?

The integration itself is not additionally charged. The subscription will be calculated according to the price list, it does not matter whether the order / products were downloaded by BaseLinker Connect or, for example, from the store.

Is it possible to integrate with an external product data catalog (with a store or Wisebase, Brandbank, Azimuthe)?

Unfortunately, no. Only products in the catalog can be shared using BaseLinker Connect. To share, for example, products from the store, you would first need to perform an import into the catalog.

Is it possible to pass in orders only products from a particular wholesaler (providing the code)?

In the integration settings, you can select an option that will skip unmatched products from the order.

Do I have to import all the products I make available from the wholesaler?

In the product import settings, you can specify the ID numbers of the products you want to download.

Is it possible to automate the pull of products from a warehouse connected through BaseLinker Connect?

Unfortunately, it is not possible to periodically download products to the BaseLinker catalog.

Is there an option to map order statuses?

Unfortunately, it is currently not possible to map order statuses.

Are the additional fields and/or notes in the transferred order visible to the wholesaler?

Yes, Additional Field 1, Additional Field 2 and Notes are submitted with the order.

Does the wholesaler that receives the orders see which vendor the order came from?

The source of the order will be the BaseLinker Connect integration, so you should add a separate integration for each partner and the token of this integration should be shared with only one user.

Can we share products from two or more catalogs?

Yes, but to do so you will need to add a separate integration for each warehouse. 

Can you choose which products from the catalog to share with partners?

Unfortunately, no. All products from the selected catalog will be available.