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Connecting online stores

Connecting a store to BaseLinker enables:

  • listing products from the store’s inventory on marketplaces (the store acts as an external warehouse, which does not need to be connected to BaseLinker’s inventory – products from the store’s inventory will be visible in the Marketplace → Listing section);
  • retrieving orders from the online store into the system (allowing you to manage all orders in one place);
  • transferring orders from BaseLinker to the online store;
  • synchronizing inventory stocks and prices between the store and various marketplace platforms;
  • linking order statuses;
  • updating product data on the marketplace based on the data from the store’s inventory.


You can connect any number of online stores to the system.

The integration is very simple (it takes only a few minutes) and does not require any changes to the store or advanced IT skills.


Depending on the type of store, the integration is done through:

Detailed instructions can be found in the Integrations → +Add integration → Shops  section, after selecting your store platform, as well as in our articles in the Help section.


You can also connect a multi-store (where multiple stores are managed in a single admin panel) or a store in different language versions to the system.



In the store integration settings, in the Orders tab, you’ll find options for:

Both can be enabled at the same time. When transferring orders to the store, all orders available in BaseLinker will be transferred (except those fetched from the store you want to add to).


Import and export of products

Products from connected stores will be synchronized and available to be listed on marketplaces.

However, you can also import them into the BaseLinker Inventory.


Instruction on how to perform such an import are available in the article Importing products from a store or wholesaler.

Through BaseLinker, you can also add products to your store. Export is possible via API (if the store offers such an option) or using a CSV file.


Currently, product export via API is possible for the following stores:

  • IdoSell,
  • PrestaShop,
  • WooCommerce,
  • Shopify.



In the case of integrations with online stores, it is possible to synchronize inventory levels and prices both from the shop to BaseLinker and vice versa – from BaseLinker to the shop. The decision is up to you! It all depends on where you want to manage the product database: in BaseLinker or in the store.


You can choose the synchronization frequency and direction in the shop integration settings (Integrations → Shop → Prices/Stock).


Remember that for synchronization to work properly, products in the BaseLinker Inventory must be linked to products in the store.


You can find more information on this topic in the article Warehouse associations.



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