From the Product list you can freely manage products and product bundles.



Adding products

Products can be added manually by selecting the green +Add product button, or imported – from a file, from a store or wholesaler, from an ERP system, or created based on importing offers from a marketplace.


You can read more about this in our article Product import.


The top menu bar contains the following filters:

  • Inventory – This filter will appear when more than one BaseLinker Inventory is added;
  • Language  this filter will appear when more than one language is assigned to a given inventory;
  • Stock  this filter will appear when more than one warehouse is assigned to the inventory;
  • Price this filter will appear when more than one price group is assigned to the given inventory
  • Product filtering the system allows to search products not only by category, manufacturer, location or dimensions (height, width, length), but even by short additional fields.



Product information

You can specify additional information to be displayed on the product list in the Products → Settings → Other tab.


You can also choose whether they should be displayed in a separate column or under the product name. 




Actions on the product list

The bottom bar contains the following buttons:




  • Select – allows for quick selection of products on which the user wants to perform an operation;
  • Mark with a star – additional marking of products;
  • Download – allows exporting product information to CSV, XML, or PDF file;
  • Operations – the following options are available here:
  • Variants – you can select the display mode, and in case of grouping them – collapse or expand all variants;
  • Sorting.


On the right side, you can choose the number of products displayed on one page, and in the center, you can go to the selected page.


Product actions

The context menu next to the product contains the following options:



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