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Base.com integrations with ERP programs are provided by external companies. Base.com does not create its own integrators of this type. Below you can find external integrators available for purchase from Weaver WMS. The integrator connects with the Base.com API and ERP database to exchange information. The integrator cost and the billing method depends on the software provider.
If you are a developer and have prepared your own integrator with any ERP program, please contact us.
WAREHOUSE (import)
Weaver WMS is an innovative storage management system available in a cloud-based version or as a comprehensive on-site implementation. The use of WMS allows you to manage your storage based on barcode technology, thus eliminating errors and speeding up storage operations.
It is possible to arrange a free presentation of the system and to set up a demonstration version of the system for 2 months, only for Base.com customers.
To arrange a presentation, please contact us using the form or telephone located on the site.
Weaver WMS + Marketplace
Weaver WMS + Shops
Weaver WMS + Fulfillment