High customer ratings depend not only on the correct package preparation and fast delivery. Customers expect to be notified about every stage of order fulfillment. That's why our integrations include a SMSO.ro communication platform designed to send text messages related to your orders, be they from a marketplace, store or other source. Notification sending takes place directly from the Base.com panel, so the whole process is concentrated in one place!

Base.com and SMSO.ro integration gives you the possibility to create SMS templates and send them in bulk to recipients from the indicated order list, e.g. with thanks for the purchase or with shipment information. SMS can be sent even without your participation if you set up an automatic action for a specific event, e.g. a payment collection. Needing to send an individual message to a customer, you can do so from a given order card.

Base.com does not charge any fee for sending SMS, you settle directly with SMSO.ro

Check SMSO.ro integration with other systems:

SMSO.ro + Marketplace

SMSO.ro + Shops

SMSO.ro + Fulfillment

Test all system integrations and functions free of charge for 14 days