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Do you have your own Wix.com online store and want to list your products on OnBuy ? Base.com can help by seamlessly integrating both channels into one system. This integration allows you to quickly list and sync product offers from your store's warehouse to the marketplace, as well as retrieve OnBuy orders to your Base.com panel (and subsequently send them to Wix.com).
You have the flexibility to choose whether to manage orders from the marketplace and your store in Base.com's Manager or in Wix.com panel. Consider starting with complete sales management in the Base.com system, as it allows easy integration of additional marketplace accounts and store platforms as your business expands. The system streamlines order processing with innovative tools like the Packing Assistant and automated actions.
Explore the added benefits of OnBuy integration with Wix.com through Base.com.
OnBuy + Marketplace
OnBuy + Shops
OnBuy + Couriers
OnBuy + Accounting systems
OnBuy + SMS applications
OnBuy + Other
OnBuy + Fulfillment