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Base.com is designed for retailers wishing to expand their cross-channel sales. Whether you list offers on Wowcher, Allegro or another marketplace, you can manage all your orders in one user-friendly panel. Additionally, you can connect several accounts of each marketplace and escape logging in to each account separately. If you also run a shop or accept phone and personal orders, all the more you will find Base.com a solution for you.
Enable downloading orders from Wowcher and Allegro to the Base.com Order Manager, an advanced tool to handle sales from multiple sources. You will be able to use the help of the Pick&Pack Assistant, which speeds up the process of shipment preparation and notifies about possible packing errors. Finally, it will take a picture of the collected products so that you can pleasantly surprise the customer (or have the evidence in case of a possible dispute)
Base.com Order Manager offers also:
Choose whether to operate on a single order or on multiple orders at once. Base.com focuses on automation and gives you the tools to help the seller - the automatic action module can perform these actions for you.
Wowcher + Marketplace
Wowcher + Shops
Wowcher + Couriers
Wowcher + Accounting systems
Wowcher + SMS applications
Wowcher + Other
Wowcher + Fulfillment