Already using Slack communicator in your company? This increasingly popular email alternative can help your team handle eBay orders. Integrate Slack with and send notifications without your involvement!

Set up an automatic action to receive a Slack notification on your phone / computer, e.g. when a new order is placed. Direct the message to a particular employee when the order reaches assigned status, e.g. 'Ready to ship - DPD - Chris'. Control the service process and receive a notification from Slack when an order reaches the 'To resolve' group. Use the variety of options to integrate the eBay and Slack is up to your creativity!

Check eBay integration with other systems:

eBay + Marketplace

eBay + Shops

eBay + Couriers

eBay + Accounting systems

eBay + SMS applications

eBay + Other

eBay + Fulfillment

Test all system integrations and functions free of charge for 30 days